A stunning bride and an adoring husband, a win-win situation. I am always amazed at how much I take away from any given wedding we perform for. For this wedding, I was reminded of the place of silence (no matter how long it may be!), the ebullient love two people can share in just one glance, and mischievous little tikes.
I am the cellist, so when I get the special-constantly-reoccurring-pleasure of playing Pachebel's Canon in D, I get to sit back and watch the show. I have these 8 notes programmed into my muscular system allowing me to call the timing shots when the bride gets to the front of the church. My particular pleasure is that I get to play these 8 notes, and watch the faces of the bride and the groom as they meet each other's gaze and let me tell you. This groom was soooo excited! Thank you Calvin Seminary Newlyweds for letting me and m'ladies be part of your wedding day.
In other news--Herkimer (yes, this is my cello's name AND yes, we all have names for our instruments. I mean, when you spend so much time with an inanimate object you have to make it seem like a legitimate relationship!) needs to go to the doctor. His sound post has shifted, but good thing I have Guarneri house (Stringed Instrument Doctor) on speed dial.
Later on this same evening, we went to Wendy's as usual and sat in the dining room there with our habitual favorites, and were greeted by some extremely interesting out-of-towners. They sang to us, chatted with us, performed magic tricks, and even guessed our nationalities. They were crazy and we had hoped that our missing link and second violinist Elle "the spaniard" Talsma was there to translate their rantings in some sort of psuedo spanish. Thanks for the memories.
It was a great evening, eventful, moving, and as always when I get together with these girls, blast!
Until next time,
Herkimer the cello
Oatmeal the 1st violin
Holga the Viola
Shame' (SHA-mey) the second violin
Still working on that degree in chemistry...what was it called again? :)