Saturday, February 21, 2009

And it begins...

We're into our sixth year now as a quartet and we have been saying for who knows how long, "We need to write a book or something!" So here we are with a blog, sharing the adventures of quartet441 with the world. Four very different women, connected by a passion for music, wit, Wendy's, hilarity, pronation, and a bond far deeper than merely "co-musicians". We'll post about our weddings and events, but also most likely about each other (we miss you Elle!) and anything else we feel so motivated to share (as long as it's not too dissonant of course). So here we go, enjoy!


  1. so... any of you girls single? HEYO!

  2. we're learning the "single ladies" dance. no really, we are.

  3. in spain they played "all my single ladies"...!!!

    how appropriate

  4. i mean, i'm single...but i come as a package deal with the rest of Q441. so make sure you can handle it.
